Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Property Rights Index ( PRI ) : How much a country's laws protect private property rights, and its government enforces those laws.

Singapore  90
Hong Kong  90
Japan  80
Taiwan  70
South Korea  70
Macau  60
Bhutan  60
Malaysia  55
India  50
Thailand  45
Sri Lanka  40
Georgia  40
Nepal  35
Philippines  30
Armenia  30
Cambodia  30
Indonesia  30
Kazakhstan  30
Maldives  30
Mongolia  30
Pakistan  30
Tajikistan  25
Kyrgyztan  25
Timor-Leste  20
Uzbekistan  20
Azerbaijan  20
Bangladesh  20
China  20
Vietnam  15
Laos  15
Turkmenistan  10
Myanmar  5
North Korea  5

 Asia: Property rights index
A subcomponent of the Index of Economic Freedom, the property rights index measures the degree to which a countrys laws protect private property rights, and the degree to which its government enforces those laws.
Higher scores are more desirable, i.e. property rights are better protected. Scores are from 0 to 100.
The index also assesses the likelihood that private property will be expropriated and analyzes the independence of the judiciary, the existence of corruption within the judiciary, and the ability of individuals and businesses to enforce contracts.
The Global Property Guide considers protection of property rights as a significant factor affecting the desirability of a residential real estate investment.

Statistics in Asia. Asia has surprisingly good house price statistics, though the quality varies greatly. The ex-British colonies tend to have good house price statistics Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia all have excellent houses price time series, the best being Hong Kong, where the data is arguably richer than in the UK, since there are official rents statistics. However in the Indian sub-continent, only India has house price statistics, and this only in a new series, not yet available on the web.
Japan publishes no house price statistics. Its ex-colonies do better: Korea has a good house price time-series, and Taiwan also has one.
Indonesia has house price statistics, and so does China (both of questionable quality). In Thailand, the Bank of Thailand publishes a time-series. In the Philippines, Colliers produces residential property data.
No house-price time-series are produced in Vietnam, Cambodia, or Laos.

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